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品牌展商 | 瑞士 SIC Invent AG:螺纹种植体

2016-12-14     浏览178876 次

SIC invent AG is an innovative and dynamic company. As a globally active manufacturer of dental implant systems, we work in close collaboration with the Schilli Implantology Circle in the research and development of implant systems. SIC invent.

We are one of the leading companies in selected market and product sectors. A feature of our company is outstanding product and market expertise, which is based on our collaboration with the Schilli Implantology Circle. Having access to a multidisciplinary network allows rapid transfer of technological and scientific findings into current, practice-relevant medical products.

We supply responsible, innovative products in the surgical, prosthetic and bone augmentation material sectors based on scientific, technical and economic expertise.

SIC Invent是一家充满活力、善于创新的公司。我们作为全球规模性的口腔种植系统生产制造商,在种植系统的研发工作中始终保持与Schilli Implantology Circle组织的密切合作。

我们是在口腔种植市场和行业内拥有领先水平的公司之一。优质的产品和专业的市场知识是我们的优势,这也是基于我们与Schilli Implantology circle组织的密切合作。我们从专业网络论坛里将技术性的科学发现第一时间通过实践验证运用到我们当前的医疗产品中。


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The SICace® threaded cylindrical implant is characterised by an innovative, self-tapping screw design which follows the applied and recommended values of the “Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthese” (AO - Association for the Study of Osteosynthesis). It is suitable for all indications in oral implantology, even difficult anatomical situations, and for use in conjunction with augmentation techniques. The SIC drill system guarantees atraumatic preparation of the implant site and, together with the thread morphology, it enables high primary stability of the implant to be achieved, regardless of bone quality. Use of the SICace® implant can be recommended unreservedly in bone of D1 to D3 quality. The microstructure and degree of purity of the “SICmatrix” SIC surface ensure secure and lasting osseointegration.

The basic cylindrical shape of the implant has a conical taper in the crestal region which generates integrated “platform switching”.

The prosthesis is attached via an internal precision hexagon. The small degrees of freedom of this abutment connection in combination with long parallel-walled guide surfaces, ensure maximum stability of the implant-abutment interface and provide lasting protection against screw loosening.


SIC Ace®圆柱形螺纹种植体的特点是采用了创新的自攻螺纹,这种螺纹符合遵循AO-学派的应用和推荐数值。适合于口腔种植手术的所有适应症,甚至也适用于很难处理的人体构造,与骨增高技术结合使用。SIC分级士钻头系统保证不对人体产生损伤地制作种植体支架,再结合螺纹的形态,无论何种骨质都能够使种植体达到较高的初始稳定性。SIC Ace®种植体可以在D1至D3类的骨质中毫无保留地被推荐使用。“SIC matrix”表面的微观结构和纯钛材料确保了种植体安全、牢固、持久的与骨骼融合。




SIC Invent AG 为中国口腔行业带来更丰富的产品和技术解决方案。2017年4月25-28日,成都世纪城国际会展中心5号馆H31号展台SIC Invent AG西部国际口腔展与您相约!